Benefits of Employee Engagement



Any organization invests a larger portion of its profits in employee benefits and development. Therefore, the company is concerned about employee engagement of their workers. Highly engaged employees are an asset to the company. Before discussing the benefits of employee engagement, we have to identify the effects of Disengaged employees.

Some effects of disengaged employees as follows

1.    Effect on work.

         Try to escape from work and struggle to meat deadlines of the work. They like to              postpone their duty.

2.    Effect on co-workers.

Reluctant to participate for teamwork, always spread negative thoughts among         co-workers and talk in anger. Spread false information about management.

3.    Effect on customers.

Every employee becomes an ambassador of the company. Disengage employees try to develop negative impact of the company. Their service levels are below customer expectation and try to create problems with customers. Because of them the customer complaints can increase.

4.    Effect on productivity and performance

They always think that their work does not contribute to the organization and not positively engaged in team work or their own work. This will lead to decrease the productivity and performance of the company.


5.    Effect on personal life of employee

These types of employees always try to find fault with others and with the company. Most of them are frustrated and unhappy in their career life and personal life too.


Disengaged employees are burden to company. Now we can discuss the benefits of employee engagement.


                                                            (jordan.friedman, 2022)


This chart shows you how the employee engagement effect on an organization.

The employee engagement is directly affected on company profits. It indirectly effect on employee’s physical and mental health, personal development and self satisfaction as well.

Further, the employee engagement will increase customer satisfaction and finally business growth.


We will discuss the main five reasons in detail.

1.    Lower turnover.

If worker engagement is low, the turnover ratio will rise. The expense to the business will be significant. The company benefits from the employees' complete cooperation if they are satisfied at work. Lower turnover rates will result from high employee engagement.


2.    Reduced employee stress

When employees are working in unhappy working condition their stress levels go high. With a high level of employee engagement they work in happy working environment and  the stress levels will reduce.


3.    Greater employee commitment.

With the high level of employee engagement their commitment towards the company goals will increase. The committed employees will pay more time and energy on company vision and mission.


4.    Better customer service.

Highly motivated and engaged staff provide a superior customer service. This will help to retain and increase the customer base of the company. Happy customer will introduce another customer to the company.


5.    Higher revenue.

With higher sales and productivity and minimize costs with low employee turnover and mistakes will lead to revenue increase. Gallup found that highly engaged companies are 21% more profitable than their less-engaged competitors. 



(Kelleher, 2020)

           References : (n.d.). Benefits of employee engagement | Daily FT. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2023].


jordan.friedman (2022). Why Employee Engagement Is Important: 16 Benefits. [online] Emeritus - Online Certificate Courses | Diploma Programs. Available at:[Accessed 11 Apr. 2023].


Kelleher, B. (2020). Employee Engagement - Who’s Sinking Your Boat? 2021. [online] Available at:[Accessed 11 Apr. 2023].


  1. Understanding the highly engaged employees as an assert of organization is a task of any organization. This detail article provide enough evidence about.

    1. Yes. When employee engagement is high the turnover ratio and absenteeism will decrease. Their commitment, enthusiasm will help to boost revenue and better customer service, finally the company profits. Thank you for the comment.

  2. Employee engagement will lead to archive stake holders expectations, finally it will affect customer experience.
    Ultimately, towards the society we live.

    1. Agreed with the comment. Happy employees make company profitable. To make employees happy their freedom towards work, working conditions, flexibility and job security will be helped a lot. Thank you for the comment.

  3. How does employee engagement positively impact organizational performance and productivity?

    1. Highly engaged employees are more committed , more productive and focus on company goals. They engaged in company decision making also. Their innovative ideas can help the company to increase customer service, user friendly technology developments also. Finally increase company profits.


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