Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement

Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement

Any organization is primarily concerned with its profitability and overall business expansion. The management consistently allocates a significant portion of their income to human resources. Every organization makes an effort to hire, train, initiative, and engagement. These kinds of workers go above and beyond the call of duty to invest their time and effort in advancing business objectives. A chance to participate in company choices, independence from interference with their job obligations, and employer trust are other things they value.

As per Gallup’s research, in 2021, the percentage of engaged workers in the U.S. declined for the first year in more than a decade. Gallup also found that employees who are struggling are twice as likely to change jobs than those who are thriving.

These indications show it is high time to concern about the employee engagement and wellbeing as the first priority of the company.


Five ways to develop and sustain employee engagement.


1.    Employee engagement starts with fundamentals

Employees like to feel they are important to the company and they are part of the longtime mission of the company. It is important to implement to company vision and mission to their day-to-day business operations rather than just post them on company web site. Employees are more likely to feel inspired and motivated when they have a deep understanding of the company's core values ​​and how they affect the company. 


2.    Make mental health a priority

Nowadays many employees leave their job not because of the salary but to get the mental relaxation. Employees like to be connected and work in a healthy working environment. They like to be recognized and valued by the company. These types of things will increase their mental health. By having one to one discussion, trainings, and team activities the mental wellbeing in addition, make it a point to encourage flexibility and healthy boundaries. For example, company policies that include no emails or no official phone calls after hours.


3.    Recognize and reward employees to increase employee engagement

Recognizing and rewarding employees are a key to feel them valued and happy. When an employee goes beyond and serve a customer or achieve given target before deadline management can appreciate him or her in public with a taken of appreciation. If a group of employees fulfill the given target company can sponsor for a day outing.


4.    Encourage feedback to improve employee engagement

When employees feel their suggestions and ideas are valuable to the company their engagement will increase. Therefore, discuss with the employees about their views and suggestions to achieve company targets. What they feel about company vision and mission. There are many innovative ideas among the employees. Try not to get defensive. Instead, focus on what you can learn from the information to make a positive difference in the workplace.


     5. Communicate consistently and authentically

Keep employees up to date with information like the company's direction and the leadership team's challenges. Company must have a clear strategy for constant communication. When the employees have a clear vision of company goals and company changes it will easy to change their working style to adjust as per the company requirements.




SHRM (2019). Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement. [online] SHRM. Available at:

Bolger, D. (2012). Sustainable Employee Engagement. [online] Learn2. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2023].

Castrillon, C. (n.d.). 5 Ways To Develop And Sustain Employee Engagement. [online] Forbes. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2023].












  1. Any organization has to have a clear vision and plan to develop employee engagement levels of the employees

  2. Developing and sustaining employee engagement involves creating an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated, fostering a culture of trust and communication, providing meaningful learning opportunities, offering incentives and rewards for performance, offering recognition and rewards for achievements, and fostering a sense of community. Additionally, training and development initiatives should focus on developing the skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary for the organization to meet its goals.

  3. Agreed . When employer pays more attention on employee development and wellbeing the employee retention rate will increase and their engagement levels also boost. Actually if company look after their employees fairly abd continuesly the sustainability of employees will increase . Finally both are working in win-win situation . Thank you for the comment


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