Types of Employee Engagement




There are many different frameworks to describe the types of employee engagement and each of them can help you understand how engaged your employees are and where issues lie. We will discuss the following three main types of employee engagement.


There are three types of employee engagement.

1.  01 . Cognitive

2. 02.  Emotional

3. 03.  Physical



 When employees are cognitively engaged, they’re committed to their job. They already focus on their work even in any distraction or interruption. This type of engagement is related to how an employee perceives and thinks about their job and the organization. It may be the most important type of employee engagement because it’s tied to the employee’s perception of the organization’s values. They always think about organization’s vision, mission, goals and strategies and willing to help the organization to achieve the goals. These types of employees are more knowledgeable, creative good decision makers.




Employees need to feel that their employers recognize and value them, need to feel self-esteemed, and need to feel that they are contributing something significant to the company, which can impact and be affected by feelings. They always think about their tasks, co-workers, management, and company. High emotional involvement can also help to create a productive workplace and a happy work environment where it is easier for other employees to become involved in their work.

Paul L Marciano in his book Carrots and Sticks Don’t Work: Build a Culture of Employee Engagement with the Principles of RESPECT says,


“Fundamentally, people want to be recognized and appreciated for the efforts they make. When you work really hard and you are recognized for it, you want to work harder. When you aren’t, or even worse when someone else gets credit for your work, that’s very demotivating for us.” 



Physical engagement means the employee’s attitude towards their work activities, and the physical and mental effort they made while performing their duties. These activities demonstrate their investment in their job.


Employees of this type take pride in their work and are constantly looking for ways to improve. Employees that are physically active are more likely to take advantage of opportunities for learning and growth. Even when they make mistakes, they prefer to learn from them and never do it again.

Employees produce their best work when they are both physically and mentally well. The majority of physically active employees are giving their best effort to their jobs. In the meantime, in order to achieve the highest production from these individuals, the company must recognize and reward them. Employees are made to feel valued and appreciated by the availability of health and wellness facilities that are centered on their wellbeing. It demonstrates and conveys the idea that the company take care of them both professionally and personally.

 Every single one is unique from the others. Every company can use this. The employer should be able to recognize the various employee types and assign tasks and job descriptions in accordance with each type.


Seenit, (2022). 3 Types of Employee Engagement. [online] Available at: https://www.seenit.io/blog/3-types-of-employee-engagement/ [Accessed 7 Apr. 2023].

Anon, (2022). 3 Types of Employee Engagement - Business Leadership Today. [online] Available at: https://businessleadershiptoday.com/how-many-types-of-employee-engagement-are-there/#:~:text=There%20are%20three%20types%20of.[Accessed 7 Apr. 2023].


  1. How do employee engagement befitted for workers ?

    1. Employee engagement is the key success of any company. When company earing profits and well established the workers of the company will get benefitted. Such as receive bonus, increase of salary, pay additional increments and other benefits etc.. Finally both company and workers benefitted. Thank you for the comment.

  2. Engaging Employee is a healthy practice in a department it will be a great Team but is it possible if each employee has different background (Example: Nationality/culture/believes) to make them to engage on that team? and how can we do that?

  3. Employee engagement is a human resources concept that describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward their job.

    1. Definitely yes. When worker feels he is happy and fully engaged in company goals the output is high. For work happy the most important thing is happy working environment rather than wages and benefits. Thank you for the comment

  4. What is the main difference you see between cognitive and emotional engagement types?

    1. Cognitive employees can work in their fullest capability with any distraction . But emotional employees will increase their productively with appreciation , recognision and rewards . When they arr not motivated their productively levels are low. Thank you for your comment

  5. The organizations should practice a transperant policy on identifying the employees whom they should reward.

    1. Agreed. The reward should be fair and transperant since it can be demotivated other employees if the reward was not rewarded to the correct person. Therefore company has to act independent and fair for the selection. Thank you for the comment.

  6. The skill of a head of an organization is to shape the employee to the following points according to the organization 01 . Cognitive 02. Emotional 03. Physical .
    Do You agree with me ??

    1. Up to some extent yes. But the attitudes of the employees will help to categorize them into these 03 types. But a good leader can change their some qualities with his leadership skills.


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