Employee Wellbeing



What is employee wellbeing and why it matters

Employee wellbeing depends on individual’s perceptions and experiences. It differs from one to another. Wellbeing is varied depending on their expectations. The quality of life they expected.

According to Gallup’s findings there are 05 core elements of wellbeing.

1.    Career

2.    Social

3.    Financial

4.    Physical

5.    Community


How Is the Quality of Life Measured?

The most powerful method we use for measuring wellbeing and Gallup Net Thriving is the Life Evaluation Index, which asks people to rate their lives now and what they think their lives will be like in the future.


The Life Evaluation Index question reads: "Please imagine a ladder with steps numbered from zero at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you.

Q1: On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time? (0-10)

Q2: On which step do you think you will stand about five years from now? (0-10)"

This index reveals what someone thinks of their life now and how they see their future.

Based on their responses to these questions, Gallup categorizes people into three groups:

Thriving: People with positive views of their present life and of the next five years.

Struggling: People who struggle in their present life and have an uncertain or negative view of the future.

Suffering: People who report their life is miserable and have a negative view of the future

Using this simple two-part question, organizations can discover what percentage of their employees are thriving, struggling and suffering, thus measuring their quality of life.

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                                                                        : (Inc, n.d.)


The Elements of Wellbeing

Individual has their own life goals expectations. Wellbeing of an individual not only depend on his or her employment. Mental health, physical health, financial stability and social standers also fulfill to be a wellbeing individual.

As per Gallup’s findings the following picture will explain it clearly.




                                             (Inc, n.d.)

This clearly demonstrates that employee wellbeing is an attainable objective for those who are able to maintain a work-life balance.

How Does Wellbeing Affect Employee Attraction and Retention?

With high workplace wellbeing employees will thrive and turnover will drop. Therefor, the responsibility of employer is to create a friendly working environment and benefits which will help to retain the employees.

When trust is created by employer and workplace factors like clear employee expectations, the right materials and equipment, recognition at work, development opportunities, and a motivating purpose are addressed by the elements of engagement.

The trust that is built when these needs are met in the workplace is what opens the door to meaningful discussions about employees' well-being.


Inc, G. (n.d.). Indicator Employee Wellbeing. [online] Gallup.com. Available at: https://www.gallup.com/394424/indicator-employee-well-being.aspx.

In-text citation: (Inc, n.d.)


Inc, G. (n.d.). What Is Employee Wellbeing and Why Is It Important? [online] Gallup. com.          Available at:  https://www.gallup.com/workplace/404105/impAccrodiortance-of-employee-wellbeing.aspx.aspx.

In-text citation: (Inc, n.d.)


www.youtube.com. (n.d.). The Importance of Employee Wellbeing | Cary Cooper. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HnoCD_0PI0&list=PPSV [Accessed 18 Apr. 2023].


  1. I propose that every institution must have a employee experience official to handle the employee issues.

  2. Agreed. Huma resource has to be prioritize since it is the most valuable and expensive asset. If any company concern about employee wellbeing , the employee engagement will be boost. Thank you for the comment.

  3. Employee confidence towards the organization and the job security through there wellbeing will lead the organization to the prosperity and will retained the employees .But i propose the motivation and there development also parsley important.

    1. Definitely yes. But those two aspects belongs to increasing employee engagement. Employee wellbeing is one step ahead to employee engagement. Thank you for the comment.


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