
Showing posts from April, 2023

How Employee Engagement Effect to Your Company

  How Employee Engagement Effect to Your Company   “Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability. – Anne M. Mulcahy, former CEO at Xerox”                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Everyone Social, n.d.)     Human resource is the key factor of any company. Some employees are assets and some are liabilities to the company. Depending on their behavior not only the company profits but also the existence of the company depends. Many companies give their first priority on human resource due to this reason. When employees feel they are recognized, protected and having freedom their output will be increased. When their active engagement involve

Advantages of Employee Engagement

  Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Engagement Employee engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed and direct to your business goals and vision. By involving them in your business, you will motivate them to contribute to the success of the business and at the same time improve their sense of wellbeing.   Advantages of employee engagement .   Increased productivity - Highly motivated staff a fully engaged in their duty. They have a clear vision of company goals. Higher retention and lower turnover rate -   They love and care their job. Highly engaged employees retain in the company and always willing to serve the company and the company turnover rate is low. Lower absenteeism - Engaged staff are working with enthusiasm and absenteeism will low. Commitment- Fully engaged staff are happier and have an increased desire and commitment to give their best to the company. Better customer satisfaction - Highly engaged and motivate

Driving Employee Engagement Through Training and Development

  Driving Employee Engagement Through Training and Development.                                                                       (, n.d.) Highly engaged teams provide better service but continuous learning and development will help to increase their engagement level. That can foster employee engagement through training and development which help to increase the company profits. This will help for the development of the organization's future leaders and improved internal performance. Training is an essential need not only for newly recruited staff but also for experienced staff. It will help to update their knowledge, change their attitudes, increase their communication skills, develop leadership skills and increase their job satisfaction. 04 ways to increase employee engagement through learning and development 1    Create an in-house Knowledge Base & Media Hub 2.      Build Excitement with a Guest Speaker Series 3.      Offer certificates     .      4.     I

Employee Wellbeing

           EMPLOYEE WELLBEING What is employee wellbeing and why it matters Employee wellbeing depends on individual’s perceptions and experiences. It differs from one to another. Wellbeing is varied depending on their expectations. The quality of life they expected. According to Gallup’s findings there are 05 core elements of wellbeing. 1.      Career 2.      Social 3.      Financial 4.      Physical 5.      Community   How Is the Quality of Life Measured? The most powerful method we use for measuring wellbeing and Gallup Net Thriving is the Life Evaluation Index, which asks people to rate their lives now and what they think their lives will be like in the future.   The Life Evaluation Index question reads: "Please imagine a ladder with steps numbered from zero at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. Q1 : On which step of the lad

Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement

Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement Any organization is primarily concerned with its profitability and overall business expansion. The management consistently allocates a significant portion of their income to human resources. Every organization makes an effort to hire, train, initiative, and engagement. These kinds of workers go above and beyond the call of duty to invest their time and effort in advancing business objectives. A chance to participate in company choices, independence from interference with their job obligations, and employer trust are other things they value. As per Gallup’s research, in 2021, the percentage of engaged workers in the U.S. declined for the first year in more than a decade. Gallup also found that employees who are struggling are twice as likely to change jobs than those who are thriving. These indications show it is high time to concern about the employee engagement and wellbeing as the first priority of the company.   Five ways to

Benefits of Employee Engagement

              BENEFITS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Any organization invests a larger portion of its profits in employee benefits and development. Therefore, the company is concerned about employee engagement of their workers. Highly engaged employees are an asset to the company. Before discussing the benefits of employee engagement, we have to identify the effects of Disengaged employees. Some effects of disengaged employees as follows 1.     Effect on work.           Try to escape from work and struggle to meat deadlines of the work. They like to                postpone their duty. 2.     Effect on co-workers. Reluctant to participate for teamwork, always spread negative thoughts among         co-workers and talk in anger. Spread false information about management. 3.     Effect on customers. Every employee becomes an ambassador of the company. Disengage employees try to develop negative impact of the company. Their service levels are below customer expectation and try to creat